Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Kumpisal and MVC

A few days ago, I started modifying the Kumpisal web application using a more layered approach. Yes, I’m trying to do what I should have done a long time ago: use dependency injection, repository patterns to make it more maintainable and at least accomplish something that has been bugging me for a while. Anyway, I’ll […]

Online Confession –

This is my first website using jQuery Mobile and MVC 3.  It’s an online confession website. It took a few days to “finish” it, probably started Friday (March 2, 2012) and then pushed it to the web server today.  It’s an anonymous website so anybody can just post there.  A concern would be spammers but […]

Drag and drop of items in Automatic Birthday Greeter

I realized that the drag and drop feature of the Automatic Birthday Greeter Facebook app works on desktops.  I tried it on iPhone, iPad and Android phones, it never worked.  So I added a fix for it.  You should be able to drag and drop items now from those devices.  Too bad, it doesn’t work […]